Friday, February 6, 2009

Ray Boltz Exalts His Feelings Over the Word of God

This is from my son's blog. It is very well said.

Ray Boltz Exalts His Feelings Over the Word of God

... and sometimes I do too.

Ray Boltz, the former contermporary Christian music staple turned homosexual activist, does it this way in his new single, "Don't Tell Me Who To Love":

Don’t tell me who to love, don’t tell me who to kiss
Don’t tell me that there’s something wrong because I feel like this
I know what’s in my heart, that should be enough
Don’t tell me, don’t tell me no, don’t tell me who to love

Each line is telling. As Christians, we believe that God does have the right to tell us who to love (in this case speaking of marital love). We are not autonomous, independent beings, but the work of a divine Creator who has the sovereign right to establish laws over our lives. He is good and knows what is best for us, and if He tells us who we ought or ought not to marry, we are both foolish and wicked to disobey.

Yet what struck me mainly was the second and third lines, where Boltz establishes his own feelings as his high authority. Its as if he's saying, "Since I feel this way, it must be right." Yet you and I could think of a thousand ways in which that sentence is untrue. Many of us have felt things in our lives - sometimes felt them very strongly - that we know were not right. Our feelings are as much affected by the Fall as our minds and every other part of us. This is why it is God's Word, not our feelings, that is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

I'm not trying to bash Boltz. I can't, because I've seen the same tendency in my own life. There are times when things are in my heart that are opposed to God, His will, and His Word. And each and every time I sin, I exalt my own desires - my own feelings - over His trustworthy Word.

The cure for this, of course is Jesus Christ. He brings us forgiveness through the cross and grants us His Spirit, who begins to transform our desires and feelings so that they gradually begin to conform to God's will. With this comes the all-important grace of humility, which is sorely lacking in Boltz's song. The truth is, as long as Boltz sings lines like, "I know what's in my heart, that should be enough", he is far from the kingdom of God. We should sing instead lines like, "I know what's in my heart, and that's why I need Christ." The moment we exalt our feelings as trustworthy guides for our lives, we blindly ignore the fact that we are broken, wicked, and in need of God's grace, healing, and redirection. May God bring these things to Ray Boltz; may He bring them to you and me.

(Justin Nale, posted on "Thoughts of a North Carolina Baptist" Friday, Feb 6)