Here is a great leadership conference that I would encourage all of our Sunday School leaders to attend. If you are interested in going, contact the church office (943-8352) or email at to let us know. The church will pay your registration fee of $15.00. Deadline to register is Monday, April 19.
Location: Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola
Purpose: To Guide Sunday School Leaders to Develop Bible Teaching Knowledge and Skills and to Disciple Believers for Spiritual Transformation and to Connect with Lost and Un-churched People in the Community.
7:30 AM Registration
8:00 - 8:50 AM Bible Conferences
- The Holy Spirits Work with the Church in Acts -Tim Coleman
- Fifty Reasons Jesus Came to Die - Ross Lankford
- Christs Teachings on the Kingdom - Jeff Howard
- Why So Many Bible Translations? - David Spencer
- Eight Callings of God - Ted Traylor
9:00 - 9:35 General Session: Transformed Leaders/Transformational Churches - David Francis
9:35 - 9:45 Moving Break
9:45 - 10:50 Leadership Track 1
- Reaching and Assimilating Young Adults - Lauren Farmer
- Preparing to Teach the Bible for Life Change - David Francis
- Creating a Missional Small Groups Strategy - Scott Shoopman
- The Pastors Role in Leading for Transformation -Billy Nale
- Helping Kids Apply Biblical Truth - Ginger Owens
- Connecting with your Community's Families- Brain Nall
- 10:50-11:00 Moving Break
11:00 - 12:05 Leadership Track 2
- Doing Sunday School and Small Group as a Team - Scott Shoopman
- Five Steps for Sunday School Growth - David Francis
- Teaching Young Adults for Spiritual Transformation - Lauren Farmer
- Creating Safe Bible Learning Environments for Kids - Ginger Owens
- Motivating Leaders to Serve with Excellence - Billy Nale
12:10 Lunch at church
Register now