Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pastors Leading Sunday School

I need your help. I'm preparing a teaching session on the different ways Pastors lead or visibly support their Sunday Schools or Small Groups. I'm interested in specifics such as:

  • Do you teach a class?
  • In what specific ways do you encourage Small Group Bible study attendance?
  • Do you attend a class?
  • How do you, as a pastor, encourage your teachers?
  • Are you involved in teacher recruiting or training?
  • etc.

Your name and church info would be nice but not necessary.

Thanks for your help.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Has the Resurrection Happened to You?

Like the first disciples, our greatest need is not just to see or hear about the resurrection, but to have the resurrection happen to us. Lloyd Ogilvie says, “The most powerful historical proof of the resurrection is the ‘resurrected’ disciples. Dull, defeated people became fearless, adventuresome leaders. Cowards became courageous; the timid became triumphant; the inept did the impossible. ‘He is risen!’ became the joyous chant of a new life without limits."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Emerald Coast Sunday School Leadership Conference

Here is a great leadership conference that I would encourage all of our Sunday School leaders to attend. If you are interested in going, contact the church office (943-8352) or email at office@fbcfoley.com to let us know. The church will pay your registration fee of $15.00. Deadline to register is Monday, April 19.

Location: Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola

Purpose: To Guide Sunday School Leaders to Develop Bible Teaching Knowledge and Skills and to Disciple Believers for Spiritual Transformation and to Connect with Lost and Un-churched People in the Community.

7:30 AM Registration
8:00 - 8:50 AM Bible Conferences

  • The Holy Spirits Work with the Church in Acts -Tim Coleman
  • Fifty Reasons Jesus Came to Die - Ross Lankford
  • Christs Teachings on the Kingdom - Jeff Howard
  • Why So Many Bible Translations? - David Spencer
  • Eight Callings of God - Ted Traylor

9:00 - 9:35 General Session: Transformed Leaders/Transformational Churches - David Francis
9:35 - 9:45 Moving Break

9:45 - 10:50 Leadership Track 1

  • Reaching and Assimilating Young Adults - Lauren Farmer
  • Preparing to Teach the Bible for Life Change - David Francis
  • Creating a Missional Small Groups Strategy - Scott Shoopman
  • The Pastors Role in Leading for Transformation -Billy Nale
  • Helping Kids Apply Biblical Truth - Ginger Owens
  • Connecting with your Community's Families- Brain Nall
  • 10:50-11:00 Moving Break

11:00 - 12:05 Leadership Track 2

  • Doing Sunday School and Small Group as a Team - Scott Shoopman
  • Five Steps for Sunday School Growth - David Francis
  • Teaching Young Adults for Spiritual Transformation - Lauren Farmer
  • Creating Safe Bible Learning Environments for Kids - Ginger Owens
  • Motivating Leaders to Serve with Excellence - Billy Nale

12:10 Lunch at church

Register now