Monday, November 10, 2008

America Has Chosen a President

Dr. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY) posted an excellent article the day after the election entitled "America Has Chosen a President." I wish I had read and therefore could have directed you to the article earlier. It is a must read for all evangelical Christians. You can find it here. Below is an excerpt from the article.

The fight for the dignity and sanctity of unborn human beings has been set back by a great loss, and by the election of a President who has announced his intention to sign the Freedom of Choice Act into law. The struggle to protect marriage against its destruction by redefinition is now complicated by the election of a President who has declared his aim to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. On issue after issue, we face a longer, harder, and more protracted struggle than ever before.

Following the election ABC World News Tonight visited the campus of Southern Seminary and interviewed Dr. Mohler concerning the election results. You can watch the video clip of the story with Dr. Mohler's comments here.

Just a Thought!